Manager Kang In-kwon of the NC Dinos had a slightly different view. On Monday, Han Jun-su of the Gwangju KIA Tigers scored a finishing run in the bottom of the 10th inning of extra time. KIA manager Lee Bum-ho praised the KIA players, but when field officials combine their reactions, many say that it is the end of KIA due to NC`s mistakes.


It was no outs and runners on the first and second bases. First baseman Choi Won-joon, second baserunner Han Jun-su. At bat, Park Chan-ho. NC practically defended 100 percent against Park Chan-ho's bunt. When a third baseman and a first baseman run home, a shortstop and a second baseman cover the third and first bases, respectively. Second baseman covers center fielders.

However, catcher Kim Hyung-joon caught Park's bunt toward the third base, not third baseman Seo Ho-cheol. It is uncomfortable because right-handed pitcher Kim has to turn his body toward the first base once more to throw the ball. Manager Kang In-kwon, a former catcher, said, "Kim Hyung-joon had to catch second baseman Han Jun-su at the third base, not batter Park Chan-ho.

However, Kim Hyung-joon's throw to the first base was unstable, and Park Min-woo, who came into the cover of the first base, made a mistake and missed it. He recovered the ball and threw it to Choi Jeong-won, who came into the cover of the second base, but the throw was not good again. As soon as Choi had a hard time catching it, Han Jun-su, who was overrunning at the third base, went back to the third base and ran home again to end the game.

Coach Kang In-kwon basically said that it was not a bonehead play when Park Min-woo, who recovered the ball from the first base, forced the ball to the second base. In the end, he focused on Kim Hyung-joon. Ahead of the match against KIA in Gwangju on Tuesday, he said, "Hyung-joon had some bad pitching, but what if he had chosen the third base instead of the first base?"

"That was a situation where a special (virtually meaning 100 percent defense) was at stake," coach Kang In-kwon said. It is not easy for a (right-handed) catcher to hold and throw from that position. This is my experience, and I wonder what it would have been like to recognize that the second baseman (Han Jun-su) is not a fast-paced player. I think that is something that will improve with experience."

In any case, NC did not have a chance to win. "After the game, I watched the scene continuously through slow video clips. I also talked with my defense coach. The conclusion that the defense coach and I made was to choose the third base instead of the first base," coach Kang In-kwon said.

BY: 토토사이트링크